
Disinfect Your Immediate Environment Instantly with PeeSafe

Disinfect Your Immediate Environment Instantly with PeeSafe

Thank the gods you do not have superpowers. Why would you NOT want such a thing?? Which superpower would you prefer? Super-hearing? Nice. Ability to fly? Awesome! Superzoom? Oh, my. If you had this one, it would be more of a curse than a boon. Imagine the ability to zoom up to 30,000 times. What would you see? Microbes, everywhere from your table to your hands, purse, steering wheel, the wall, floors, fan – any surface you can think of! Viruses and bacteria, crawling, eating, proliferating at breakneck speed. The environment today is an allergic’s nightmare, an asthmatic’s worst fear come to life. How do you safeguard your health in such a situation?


Be healthy with just a spray                                                           

You can never trust how clean your WC may be. Research has found that even toilets that look spanking clean have at least 30% of the microbes still clinging to the surface, which can multiply in a matter of hours. In fact, the average restroom has more than 40,000 germs clinging to it per square inch! Your safest bet in such a situation is Peesafe- a revolutionary sanitizing spray removes the germs on the surface where it is sprayed.

Made from a skin-friendly yet potent microbicidal IPA formulation, Peesafe sanitizes the toilet seat within a matter of seconds. Just spray it on, wait for 5 seconds, wipe the seat off and your seat is totally clean. What’s more, it also doubles up as a deodorizer, sparing you nausea as well! The spray dries up instantly and leaves no residue, so you can be assured of not contaminating your seat with the very stuff that is used to disinfect it. This also makes it child safe.

To doubly ensure prevention of exposure to any residual germs, spray it on faucets and doorknobs as well. This revolutionary product is of critical importance to women, who are always at a risk of contracting urinary tract infections. So for all the ladies out there, we would love to say- “each one, keep one”.


This article was curated by Arghya Dutta Choudhary and was first published in Jan 2015 on

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