
Female Hygiene Hacks for Summer

Female Hygiene Hacks for Summer

Personal Hygiene is something that I am very particular about. I may not look like a diva but I make sure that I am clean as a whistle throughout the day especially during the summers. The heat may get on to you and make sick so here are some summer hygiene essentials that I would like to share with all


Summer Hygiene Tips to Keep you Fresh


Shower Like A Boss:

Oh yes, shower at least twice a day to get rid of the odor and perspiration especially if you have been outdoors in the heat. Use a summery shower gel or soap like lemon, menthol, cucumber or aloe vera. This would surely help to keep you cool


Wash Your Hair Every Alternate Day

In summers your hair tends to get sticky and may be itchy because of the heat, air pollutants and perspiration. Washing your hair at least thrice a week is a must to keep it clean and damage-free. I wash mine almost every day. It is time-consuming but totally worth it.


Use a Feminine Hygiene Wash

It is imperative to take care of intimate hygiene during the summers. A hygiene wash like the PeeSafe Natural Intimate Wash ensures the prevention of infections, bad odor, irritation, and itching. Make it a habit to use one in your daily bath regime and feel fresh and clean throughout the day.


Sunscreen is a Must to Protect your Skin

Always remember whenever you step out, you need added protection for your skin from the UV rays of the sun. A sunscreen is a savior and keeps the harmful effects of the scorching sun at bay.


Get Rid of the Smelly Feet

If there is heat, there is sweat. You are amongst the lucky few if you don't. Where there is sweat, there is bad odor and smelly feet. Keep your feet clean by scrubbing or soaking them every day. If time permits, then soak them in a tub full of shampoo water and Epsom salt. Also please use fresh socks daily if you have to wear them.


A Perfect Deo to Smell Right

Body odor is at its worst during summers especially if you sweat. A good deodorant can do the magic and save you from any embarrassment and make you feel clean and fresh.


Keep your Washroom Visit Infection Free

We all tend to drink a lot of water, especially in summers. More water results in more trips to the washroom to pee. You might not have access to a clean toilet seat throughout the day. It is all the more important to carry a safeguard like a toilet seat sanitizer that would help keep infections at bay. I always keep one in my bag as it is portable.


Keep Bad Breath at Bay

I am sure this is what you already are a pro at. Brush a minimum of twice a day.  You can switch to a lemony or minty flavor during summers for extra freshness.


Powder Up for Freshness

If you like use talcum powder unlike me then there are many available these days that help you keep cool. Choose the one as per your choice.


Get Rid of Unwanted Hair

An absolute necessity to feel clean and fresh, just remove the unwanted hair. The heat should not stop you from keeping yourself hygienic and clean. Use the feminine hygiene products that assist you in the same or take the help of the home services of various parlors if you cannot visit one. Hope these summer hygiene tips can help you stay cool and fresh in the scorching heat.


Smell the sea, and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly this Summer!

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How to Keep Germs at Bay & Disinfect the Toilet Seat-PeeSafe