
Self-care During Holidays

self care

 Festive season and the holidays that follow make everything around us bright, beautiful, and a little extra (the good kind, of course). There are lots of relatives to meet, dinners to plan, and moments to celebrate. By the time we get a moment’s rest, the year almost comes to an end. I personally love the last three months of every year, however, when I sit down to write about the beauty of it, I also realise that it’s also a bit overwhelming. And, I definitely don’t want us to lose ourselves while trying to create the perfect holiday. The perfect solution to that? Good Ole’ Self-care! 

So, here are a few ways for us to actually enjoy these vibrant, festive months while also feeling like our best selves;


1. Plan Your Week
No, I’m not talking about a stressful plan that keeps you on your toes and leaves no room for spontaneity. However, planning the major parts of your week especially during these busy months, will make you feel in control. When you know what work you need to do and which party you need to go to, you’ll instantly have room for some alone time and impromptu adventures.


2. Create, Re-Create, & Then Some More
I get very “Oh yay, the year is almost ending & I have to write about it” and I only hope that I’m not the only one who feels these emotions during the festive months. So, take some time off to reflect and connect with your emotions. But hey, you don’t have to write, that’s just my way. You could vlog, play music, create art; whatever works for you.

3. Catch Up On Your Reading
Would you rather read on a sweaty summer evening or when it’s all cold, bright, and beautiful? This is your sign to pick up that book you’ve been eyeing for so long and spend some time alone. Things like reading a book or listening to a podcast you like can feel quite relaxing during stressful moments.


4. Connect and Disconnect
Last year, we didn’t get a chance to share an actual table with our favourite people. So now it’s time to make up for it. Put your phone down and take a look around. These celebratory months are famous for intimate conversations, getting families back together, and leaving the stress behind.

5. Rest, Please!
Self Care is important all year round, no doubt, but it is even more during the holidays. It’s tempting to break the “Go to bed before 12 am” routine and miss out on your usual self-care practices. While these things are okay, they are also the reasons that holidays don’t feel so good when they end. So, make sure to do your usuals, like getting enough sleep, exercising, taking your makeup off before bed, and resting.

6. Set A Budget
Just like these holidays are the most exciting part of my year, they’re also the most expensive. But, that doesn’t mean we all have to end up regretting our expensive gifts, wine, and food. So, set a holiday budget and stick to it! 


Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Now, it’s time to pack some gifts, dress up a little, and head out to celebrate these months, and embrace them like a warm hug. Happy holiday-ing!

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