
Dive into our blogosphere where menstrual mastery, toilet talk, lifestyle lift, wellness wisdom, and beyond basics await!

Menstrual CareEverything you need to know about Menstrual Cup

Everything you need to know about Menstrual Cup

Sustainability is not a simple choice given the availability of convenient options all around.  It's a choice opted by every environmentalist determined to make our planet the best place to live ...

Menstrual CareFeminine Cramp Relief Roll On - A natural pain reliever for cramps

Feminine Cramp Relief Roll On - A natural pain reliever for cramps

Feminine Cramp Relief Roll On is curated with the goodness of Ayurveda extracts and it contains no harmful chemicals. It has ‘Satva Pudina’ that is a natural pain reliever with fresh and soothing f...

Menstrual CareThings you didn't know about periods!

Things you didn't know about periods!

Do you know, It is absolutely normal if you crave for sex during your periods or Shop before Periods. Learn many other things that you might have missed out on some of the mind-blowing facts.

Menstrual CareSome Bizarre Myths about Tampons you need to get off your Mind

Some Bizarre Myths about Tampons you need to get off your Mind

The vagina is considered as the most sacred place of a female's body. And that sacred place has survived all the lies and myths thrown at her with dignity. Before moving on, don't forget to check-...

Menstrual CareDo menstrual cups affect your virginity?

Do menstrual cups affect your virginity?

V for Virginity is the biggest taboo in a country like India. 90% of the Indians still shy away from talking about this. As soon as a girl starts menstruating, she is advised to not use tampons an...

Menstrual CareQuarterly Subscription Pack For Easy Period

Quarterly Subscription Pack For Easy Period

With this subscription, your period is covered for 3 months and you'll be receiving a new box timely every 3 months.