Have A Menstrual Product Stuck Inside? Here’s What You Can Do!
Have you ever gone to remove your tampon, menstrual cup or menstrual disc only to realise that you can't find it? It seems like your menstrual product is playing hide and seek inside your vagina!
Can You Masturbate On Your Periods? Is It Safe?
Ever felt like engaging in a session of self-love while you’re on your period? Well, you’re not alone. Periods can leave you itching for some sweet release. You know exactly what we mean, don’t yo...
Orgasms And Periods - All You Need To Know
An orgasm often referred to as a climax is the height of sexual pleasure which happens due to sexual stimulation. An orgasm results in the release of the happy hormone- endorphin.
Period Tracking - Your Period Predictor
Wouldn’t it be great to know when and where you’ll get your period. Kind of like a period GPS, telling you if your menstrual cycle is on vacation, or if it’s in town ready for a visit.
A Beginner’s Guide To Period Products
There are numerous products that you can pick and choose from. “The world is your oyster” quite literally applies when it comes to your menstrual products!
Menstrual Cups & Toxic Shock Syndrome
The topic of Toxic Shock Syndrome is often brought up when one talks about a tampon. Believed to be correlated, it is widely considered that tampons increase the chance of getting TSS.