
Dive into our blogosphere where menstrual mastery, toilet talk, lifestyle lift, wellness wisdom, and beyond basics await!

Menstrual CareHow periods affect your bowels?

How periods affect your bowels?

Chances are slim that you have not observed an increased bowel movement during your periods. While this is a less covered symptom of your cycle, excessive bowel movements during periods happens to ...

Menstrual Carevaginal health

Vaginal Health Care & Going Commando

With rising health and hygiene concerns across the globe, vaginal health forms a crucial part of your healthcare. Vaginal health is closely linked to your overall well-being and is necessary to be ...

Menstrual Carehow to manage bloating during period

6 Ways To Reduce Period Bloating

Period bloating can be fuzzy and an unpleasant addition to your already existing periods symptoms. Bloating is one of the most common period and PMS symptoms that most menstruators go through.

Menstrual CareDoes Your Period Flow Change With Age

Does Your Period Flow Change With Age?

Periods are a part of every menstruating individual’s life. As the human body goes through various transitions from being an infant to an old person, the period cycle also goes through many phases.

Menstrual Careperiod cramps

How To Get Rid Of Period Cramps?

Some menstruating individuals experience excruciatingly painful period cramps, whereas others don’t even realize that they are going through any cramps during their periods.

Menstrual CareMenstrual Cup Myths Debunked: Tossing Away The Stigma

Menstrual Cup Myths Debunked: Tossing Away The Stigma

The menstrual cup has been a game-changer in the menstrual hygiene industry. However, the stigma and misconceptions about menstrual cups are still an ongoing aspect