
Dive into our blogosphere where menstrual mastery, toilet talk, lifestyle lift, wellness wisdom, and beyond basics await!

Menstrual Caremenstrual disc

Menstrual Disc: Period Sex Made Mess-Free

It is very common to feel aroused during periods and you shouldn’t feel shameful about it. It happens due to the change in levels of estrogen in the body during menstruation

Menstrual CareStep By Step Guide: How To Use Menstrual Disc?

Step By Step Guide: How To Use Menstrual Disc?

Menstrual discs are silicone-based menstrual hygiene products, especially designed for people experiencing heavy period flow as they can collect 55 ml of blood for up to 12 hours. They are cost-eff...

Menstrual Caretampons

Can Teenagers Use Tampons?

When teenagers experience menstruation for the first time, they are introduced to a wide variety of menstrual products in the market, one of which is the tampon. 

Menstrual CareUnveiling the Benefits of Menstrual Discs  For Heavy Period Flow

Unveiling the Benefits of Menstrual Discs For Heavy Period Flow

Menstrual discs can be a boon for menstruating individuals who experience heavy period flow. There are several options for menstrual hygiene products in the market.

Menstrual CareLet’s Explore The Pros And Cons Of Menstrual Cup

Let’s Explore The Pros And Cons Of Menstrual Cup

A menstrual cup is a silicone-based hygiene product designed for menstruation. It is a funnel-shaped product with a stem that is inserted into the vagina. The medical-grade silicone ensures that it...

Menstrual Caretampons

A Comprehensive Guide: How To Use Tampons?

Tampons are one of the most suitable hygiene products that absorb menstrual fluid and provide leakage protection. These are small and cylindrical in shape, and are typically made up of organic cott...